by jothan | Apr 20, 2005 | Domain Aftermarket, Domain Shows, Speaking
I had the opportunity to join Bob Parsons on his podcast today. This was a pretty good experience, and
they let me promote the Domain Roundtable Conference on today. Good stuff, and for those of us in the
audience with short attention spans, here is the link
to that podcast session, and they introduced me at about 38 minutes in.
by jothan | Apr 18, 2005 | Domain Shows, ICANN
Great news! Bob Parsons, the resounding and popular voice of Radio GoDaddy! and the prolific CEO of the worlds largest internet registrar has confirmed that he will speak at the Domain Roundtable!
This will no doubt be a very well attended session.Â
My thanks to Bob Parsons for this, and also to him and Nima Kelly for having me on their webcast to promote the Domain Roundtable.
by jothan | Mar 1, 2005 | Domain Shows, ICANN, Meetings, NewTLDs, Policy

Vint Cerf and I. (I am on the right ;] )
I am grateful at this opportunity for a photo with this inspirational man. It was an absolute pleasure that Vint would stop and speak with attendees, and he was absolutely a genuine and approachable person. |

Showing my better half in a picture with two big names in the legal and domain name fields, Bret Fausett and John Berryhill from the Mar del Plata ICANN meetings. |

Caught semi-off-guard with Joe Alagna from CentralNic. |

Overcoming Jet Lag with Fernando Espana from Neulevel. |

I had a photo opportunity with Two Cats from Tucows. (L-R: Ross Rader, Jothan Frakes, and Elliot Noss) |

Paul Kane of CENTR paused and obliged a photo with me. |

I got the opportunity to chat a bit with Ray Fassett from .JOBS, and he also told me about the TLD, and about the great work that Overdrive is doing with the King County Library System in distributing ebooks and DRM. |
This is a unique photo opportunity with the phenomenon known as Alexander. He is very fun to spend time with, and a very good friend. |
by jothan | Feb 28, 2005 | Domain Shows
DomainFest is an interesting gathering. There were about 20-25 people, all who have the same interest in domain names and the domain name industry here in the Seattle area and outlying states.
There were folks from Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and California, and there were also some folks who came down from Vancouver BC for the event.
It was very informal, and this DomainSponsor group really put some effort (staff, planning, money) behind making the event.
by jothan | Dec 20, 2004 | Domain Shows, Etc, ICANN, Meetings, Policy
A photo from the ICANN Meetings in CapeTown

Paul Twomey stopped to chat briefly and pose with me for a photo. I joked with him to get that smile going, that he would boost my market value if I had a photo with him. He countered, cleverly, that the photo would more likely boost his.
Either way, a good photo and a break from all the meetings for quick chats like this one are what make these meetings worth the long flights.