Domain Name Registration Book Reviews
Featured Domain Name Registration: Domain Name Registration Policies - Need for New Actions Globally, Not DomesticallyPublic Records: Copyright, Patent, Domain Name Registry, Aircraft Registration, Criminal Record, Records Management, Background CheckDomain names...

Domain Name Law Book Reviews
Featured Domain Name Law: International Domain Name Law: Icann and the UdrpDomain Name Law and Practice: An International HandbookFranchisors Brandish Pair of Powerful Weapons in the War on Cybersquatters.(domain name laws): An article from: Franchising WorldThe...

DNS Administration Book Reviews
Featured DNS Administration: DNS on Windows Server 2003Linux Dns Server Administration (Craig Hunt Linux Library)Windows NT TCP/IP Network AdministrationBIND 9 DNS Administration Reference BookMicrosoft Windows 2000 DNS: Implementation and AdministrationTCP/IP Network...

DNS And BIND Book Reviews
Featured DNS and BIND: DNS and BIND (5th Edition)The Concise Guide to DNS and BINDDNS & BIND CookbookPro DNS and BINDBIND 9 DNS Administration Reference Book DNS and BIND (5th Edition)DNS and BIND tells you everything you need to work with one of the Internet's...

Domain Names And DNS Book Reviews
Featured Domain Names and DNS: Domain Name: Internet, Domain Name System, DNS root zone, Top-level domain, Generic top-level domain, . com, . net, . org, Country code top-level domain, ... Hostname, Uniform Resource LocatorDomain Name System: Top-Level Domain, Icann,...
“New” TLDs, 25 years ago…
.COM was not always king. It was not until October 1986 that .COM overtook .EDU. in 1985 .NET was the #1 TLD for 3 1/2 months. More captivating stat-nerd information graphed and narrated in this presentation…
Registry Service Provider Speed Dating
Two years ago, in 2008, I put together a session at the Paris ICANN meeting where I gathered new TLD applicants and service providers together in a room to meet each other. Afterward, I put together a survey and then collected the information in to a grid so that...
Stimulator.IO simulates A-Ha Video with Microsoft Surface and iPhone
Stimulator.IO: The most awesome A-Ha "Take On Me" video tech XRay. What do you get when you merge the technologies of two large providers? The iPhone and the Microsoft Surface, together, do some amazing things, as the team at Stimulator proves. Now your iPhone and...
I have come to acceptance that the community proposal for EoI was removed from consideration. EoI did not pass but it proved that the community could raise up a proposal to the board using the Bottom-Up approach. I hated the outcome. Here’s what happened and why I would do it all again…
Why I believe 1 and 2 character domains should be allowed in .INFO
1-2 character domains should be released in .info, here’s why…